Rene Chalet | SYM
Danbury, CT


Danbury, CT

Always had a passion for music. When I was at my most challenging time in my life music carried me through. I'm a musician that enjoys spending most of my hobby time practicing to reach new levels in music, I like learning new songs often, singing, meeting up with different people, and having jam sessions. A music Director at my church, I'm a self taught musician that is a team player and believes that "less is more", giving space for other players to do thier part. I love dynamical music and always willing to learn something new. I'm a bass player at heart but can also play other instruments. 2004 was when I picked up playing the bass guitar which started my passion for playing music. [link="URL"][/link]


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Waiting Here with You N/A
Kickin It N/A
Usual Mood N/A
Rainy Days N/A
Smoothie N/A


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