christie josef | SYM
Portland, OR


Portland, OR

A singer from the moment she was able, a singer/songwriter since 12 years old. Christie Josef had her first band, The Informers in San Francisco, California for a short time then started Temper Temper which played the SF Bay Area local scene for a couple of years with some big gigs like the first Martin Luther King celebration at SF City Hall and a couple of shows at the Golden Gate Park bandshell. After taking a break to have kids and relocate to Portland, Oregon she found herself hungry for her music. In 2005 Christie released her first full-length cd titled, Of A Reason And A Rhyme, an 11-song acoustic-edged cd produced by Dave Boyle of Studio 212. It marked the first time she recorded material written without band collaboration. Christie continued, with a renewed sense of confidence, to write songs and in January 2009 released her 2nd cd, For A Ride. The songs represent her attempt to understand what goes on in the world and why it matters. Isn't it time for us to take personal responsibility for our circumstances and the state of our planet? For Christie Josef, a Reiki Master, it is about truth, integrity, compassion and kindness (especially to ourselves) as a way to bring light and balance back into our lives and as a result, back into the world. She believes her music is her service and her intention is for it to offer hope, understanding, and clarity to those who resonate with the songs and their presentation. We must each do our part, listening to our call and finding our purpose. Isn't that the best we can do? What do you hear? For a more detailed bio see her website Christie is currently working on a new recording to be released in 2012. Contact Christie at [email protected] [color="green"][/color]


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Refuse To Be Afraid N/A
Communications Collide N/A
Believing N/A


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