Patrick McClanahan | SYM
Roswell, GA


Roswell, GA

First published by Tremolo Music in 1983, the songs were never recorded by anyone you may have heard of. Joined, then fronted for a Christian band named Covenant while living in Kansas City, MO, but we never achieved much notoriety. As a worship leader, I continued to write new music that very few people got to hear. So, now I'm just writing for my own enjoyment. Would I like to hear one of my tunes on the radio? Sure - who wouldn't? Do I expect it? No...nor do I NEED it to feel fulfilled. Tell you what...listen, enjoy, comment if you care, but these songs come out of me, I express them in the only way I know how, and the rest is in the hands of others.


Recent Tracks

Song Length
How Deep His Love Goes [3:30] 3:30
Break My Heart N/A
Be Happy for Me N/A
Approved [2:57] 2:57
Would I be a Fool [2:52] 2:52


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