IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS WORLDWIDE TO BE SEXUALLY ABUSED, STRIPPED FROM OUR LANDS KILLED JAILED IMPRISONED IN UNJUST WARS FIGTHING AMONGST EACH OTHER INSTEAD OF UNITING AND MAKING OUR MOTHERLAND A SOLID FORCE FOR OUR PPL LIKE CHINA, INDIA ,EUROPE, AUSTRAILIA, IS FOR MOST OTHER CULTURES BLACK PEOPLE WAKEUP. WHEN ARE WE GOING TO STOP THE FOOLISH-NESS AMONG US AND BUILD UP AFRICA LIKE OUR ANCESTORS BUILT UP AMERICA. WE OWN BOTH LANDS WHY NOT BUILD UP AFRICA TO BE A GREAT POWER ONCE AGAIN LIKE IN ANCIENT TIMES AND STOP ACCEPTING THIS NON SENSE WE ACCEPT AMONG EACH OTHER IN AMERICA. IM JUST SAYING LESSONS IN LIFE PTRILLA POET YOUR BROTHER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER LETS EMPLOY EACH OTHER HOWEVER WE CAN. PEACE. UMOJA HOTEP.LYRICAL LIBATION. . see heres my idea. i am trying to start an investment club. a club where artist that want to form a union in the music industry. when labels turn down artist or when artist cant get paid royalties and retire from music its not like sports or regular jobs you leave with the money you made. so im trying to form a union so artists can have healthcare,medical,investment options,schools of education for there children, home schooling maybe,gardens where the artist grow food which can be medicine and not based on the bad food from fast food companies or big farma, im trying to form a union where artists are raising a culture where its based off the money you put in to help the whole. Those who join have to donate time money energy and there talents. Like say you can design websites right then we could make videos about my cause distribute it on the website and the people who join give them photo shoots for low prices in todays economy. i have tried this once but it went bad because some guys wanted to take over and lost focus of the union which is about those who join to help all the people joining the union. the union is about equal oppurtunity to those artists and regular people who join which would like to lend there talents. If this sound like something you would be interested in let me know. [email protected] IF INTERESTED IN JOINING MY INVESTMENT CLUB. TWITTER.COM/PTRILLA WWW.REVERBNATION.COM/PTRILLA [HipHop, Vocalist, World] MYSPACE.COM/MRBLUESTARSUN THISIS50.COM/PTRILLA HTTP://CDBABY.COM/CD/PHATBEETZ SHOWCASEYOURMUSIC.COM/PhatBeat4Sale SHOWCASEYOURMUSIC.COM/PhatBeetzENT SHOWCASEYOURMUSIC.COM/emcee4hiyaspitfiya POETRYSESSZENZ.BLOGSPOT.COM http://YOUTUBE.COM/MRBLUESTARSUN HTTP://THISIS50.COM/PTRILLA HTTP://THISIS50.COM/PTRILLA59 HTTP://MYSPACE.COM/MRBLUESTARSUN HTTP://MYSPACE.COM/ZAHGEY2 HTTP://MYSPACE.COM/4evaendaday TWITTER.COM/PTRILLA For Poetry to Soothe The Soul Please Visit The link Help Support Impoverished Poverty Stricken Children If not for my music for the kids For Beats, Booking, Prices for songs send comments to :[email protected] Phat Beetz Entertainment has been developing and making music for seasoned music profesionals for 10 years. From artist in such areas as NY,CA,LA,ATL,VA, AND mainly in the bay area which is the most untapped music scene in the music circuit. Phat Beetz has 30 previously unheard albums from artist on there indie label. The money and proceeds from the efforts and review of there music go to benefit displaced families in african region that are wartorn and poverty stricken from systematic racism and abuse and unawareness of the luxuries of the world that cause the strife and violence and deaths of millions of africans from there natural resources and also to bring light to the same abuses here in america. Any artist that have done work for activism and believe in humanitarian causes and taking work to the mainstream to not sing the same songs for there own success have not worked with Phat Beetz and this is the oppurtunity. Phat Beetz has multi national acclaim and acknowledgment and can be looked up on the web under such names with famous Uhuru Imane. The lead artist of this label who has brought light to the music scene for this label about serious issues effecting people of color. For previously unheard tracks look up the links above and wrtie a review or purchase the cd and help displaced individuals and displaced families.IF you believe in humanitarian efforts through music then support this label and there artist who do there work for helping make others lives better around the world. Purchase a album and know your money is going to help make some one lives better somewhere else in the world." ALL TRACKS AND SONGS WRITTEN BY P TRILLA SUPER PRODUCER AKA CHRIS UHURU IMANE FAITH OUR MUSIC WILL SET US FREE SOME THE GRIPS OF REALITY WHICH ENSLAVES US ALL THE MONEY HATRED AND RACISM AND POLLUTION OF OUR BODIES AND MINDS AND MOST OF ALL MOTHER NATURE OUR PLANET. LIKE MY MUSIC HELP ME GET A RECORD DEAL ON STEREO FAME AND ILL INVITE YOU TO ALL MY SHOWS. JUST GO VOTE FOR ME AND LISTEN TO MY NEW TRAX /PTRILLA /PTRILLA /PTRILLA why i should win. the main reason i fell i should win is because i have suffered alot of personal tragedies while trying to suceeding life while coming from a poverty stricken urban setting filled with h violence drugs crime prostitution police brutality murders which i have all become and have been a victim of. while going to school i have lost my aunt uncle half my cousins and sisters on my mother and fathers side due to gang violence and police brutality. I have finished high school and dropped out of college because i have had to hide because of gang violence effecting my life and my family. while not being able to work a normal job i started going to church where i learned to direct a choir and found a new life for me in music. I went to college to become a veterinarian and sports therapist and minor in business administration. while going to school some guys that didnt like my family and friends basically a gang killed my cousins some of my friends family and friends and threatened me that if i dont stop going to school to suceed in life to get my family out of the geto and away from them using my family for their own gain they would keep killing my family and friends family. since i had to dropout of college due to gang violence and police brutality. i started writing poetry and songs about the trials and tribulations i was going through and still kind of am.while i was on my way to becoming a professional basketball player and sports therapist i was threatened to leave such a promising career. I was also the victim of random countless acts of driving while black and police brutality. my life was basically taking from me. i seen so many friends get killed in front of me while i filed police reports. they never investigated and the crimes still go un noticed. my family and friends are in hiding due to fear of there life being taken not just from the gangs but from the police as well. the reason i feel i should win is because i have had a very hard life and found a new love for life through music. i once was going to commit suicide because of the circumstances i was forced into and could not get out of.also my parents are deceased and i am a orphan and i am not trying to make any one feel sorry for me i just feel i have overcame alot of insurmountable odds when many young males my age gave up or were killed coming from where i am from.Not having parents made me want to give up on life. but thru music i have learned to love again live again and push through no matter what life throws at me.I have a good story i wrote about my life which is on my blog i think i should win because not only do i have good talent in music but i have had to overcome alot of bad situations just to make music. I have had friends being murdered over music and hurt over trying to make a better life for themselves over reason ti this day i never understood. My story is on this page.called " My Life Story" which explains the problems i have faced trying to make music.To win this competition would not just be a victory for me it would be a victory to all the friends an family members i have lost chasing the same dream. A victory to the struggle and sacrifices i have had to make over the years of my life and many doors being closed in my face. OBAMA Year One Congratulations Mr. President you made it through your first year ALIVE. With a record number of threats on your life daily this is an accomplishment in and of itself. You are alive physically yet your character is under attack night and day. Are you really an American? Maybe you were born on foreign soil? You may have been born out of wedlock. It would fit several stereotypes to have a bastard black president with a walk-away dad. Are you really black? After all, your mom was white and you were raised by white grandparents. The one-drop rule doesn’t apply in post-racial America so you’re bi-racial. Until you need to go to a black church to re-assure your most ardent and fervent supporters that yes, you too, are one of them. Do you have what it takes to lead the world’s most arrogant nation? Preaching of justice and human rights with more men and women imprisoned than any nation on earth, with military bases scattered all over the planet ensuring the rights of corporations to plunder the Earth’s resources at will, a nation which uses bombs and bullets as tools of diplomacy. Yes you have passed this test as well. You took weeks weighing the decision to send more troops to Afghanistan, when some questioned why it took you so long to drink at the bloody trough of war. It must have taken some time to construct the justification for war without end you so eloquently presented while accepting the Nobel prize for peace. If this weren’t the reality it would make a blockbuster movie. The poor, the disaffected, the disconnected, the privileged dreamers gathered to do what seemed impossible, elect a black man to the highest office in the nation, a nation which was built on enslaving Africans and working man woman and child todeath just a short 150 years ago, a nation in which a black man could be summarily executed by mob violence just 50 years ago, a nation where black men are still routinely rounded up and imprisoned and often murdered at the hands of police under false pretenses to this very day. Citizens, true Americans who believe there is hope here, heard the call and did the unthinkable. They handed you the mantle of leadership and through year one you’ve basically sat on it. It took heroism and courage to rally behind a man who once called himself Barry, cause American youth struggle to accept the ethnicity of a Barack. Yet when it came time for you Mr President to exhibit courage and stand up for the people of this nation, to represent truth and justice, you sold us conciliatory politics. More troops in Afghanistan, the continued occupation of Iraq and untold nations, the innocent and those awaiting prosecution still in Guantanamo, a healthcare plan which instead of providing what every other developed nation in the west provides its people, access to quality medicines and medical care free of charge (paid by taxes of course), you present a plan that FORCES citizens to buy healthcare from companies that have proven track records of putting profits before people and providing the bare minimum of services for the maximum cost. Mr. President you are alive today and I for one am thankful. Rest assured there are many just like me. I urge you not to continue to play politics with your life, the lives of Americans, Haitians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Afghanis or any of the world’s people. It’s time you stand up for justice, even if it means you’re a one termer. So what!!! Do all you can to right the wrongs of this nation in the three years you have left. Embody the “Yes We Can” spirit that galvanized and inspired wealthy Hollywood, and wall street bankers to join with college students living on loans and single parents living on dreams. We know the Republican Party has chosen to be the opposition and instead of working for a better America they instead work to discredit you and your administration so that they can win this meaningless quest for power. A quest that would ultimately end with the destruction of all hope for civility, let alone unity in this nation. I understand why you are so eager to hear all sides and be bi-partisan. Yet, your hand extended in bi-partisanship has been spat upon, repeatedly. Even Christ would have run out of cheeks by now. Shake the dust off your feet Mr. President, stand erect from your stoop to corporate interests, wash your hands of the blood of imperialism and turn to face the people with a vision that encompasses our dreams of prosperity, justice, and a humanity unified to do good in the world. Today, celebrate; you made it. Tomorrow, turn the tables and prove to those who believe in you that you truly are a visionary with the will to call America to greatness. In the next three years you can be at the helm of the greatest national change the world has ever seen, steering a nation baptized in the blood of Native Americans and Africans, into a new day where equality is not just a token word or gesture but a reality backed by institutional change driven by the commitment to justice for all. What's rarely talked about, in this so-called War on Terror, is that it is killing us all. Death takes many forms, and can come from a variety of sources. This senseless slaughter we engage in, pay for, and witness daily, cannot but make us lesser humans. All of us. We are all members of a losing team. Who among us can walk off the field with heads held high after such a disgraceful defeat for the human race? We are all being drug down spiritually, for having to see, smell, and taste the death which surrounds us. This is our death. Until which time our brain monitors go flat, but they still call us alive. We are well on our way. Unfortunately, so many of us are so thoroughly brainwashed that we cling to this idea of supporting the troops and of our leaders keeping us safe. It is a sadly ignorant hope, so sad I can no longer listen to it. It is both a failure of our citizens obligations to scrape away the filthy lies to see the truth, and the corporate/political games which call themselves democratic who are shoving their short-termed greedy sociopathic ideas down our throats using every social and technological device at their disposal. All of this high tech weaponry and surveillance apparatus is to be used against those who challenge the elite few to dictate the rules of the world. It is being paid for by us, to be used on us. What, dear people, is not perfectly clear about what's happening right now? This war on terror is not about Muslim terrorists. It is all about our own state terrorism to gain ultimate and absolute control over humanity and the resources needed to keep the ruling elite comfortable. In the process we will kill innocent people, freedom, democracy, the earth's life sustaining abilities, and our ability to see any value in life itself. We are all dying in this War on Terror. If you cannot feel it, you must already be on your way. I appreciate your consistent attempts to get us to support repeal of the AUMF PL 107-40, especially since it relies on Section 5(b) of the 1973 War Powers Resolution, which requires the President to report to Congress after 60 days to get renewed authorization, or terminate the use of military force. I am not aware of either Bush or Obama ever reporting back to Congress (I don't remember if Nixon ever did, either). But that possible violation of Section 5(b) of the 1973 War Powers Resolution only amplifies why your repeated, well-intentioned appeals to revoke PL 107-40 is in vain: the President and Congress will simply ignore any laws which interfere with the U.S. Empire, and nothing we do will cause them to bother to either enforce those laws, revoke those which are undemocratic or harmful to the Republic, or ever even consider impeaching a President for violating such laws. Why? Because the Imperial Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court which make up the Front for the Corporatist-Militarist Ruling Class (Wall Street, War Profiteers, Big Oil, Big Coal & Nuclear, Big Pharma, "Health" Insurance) not only all obey their Corporate masters, but get such immen$e funding and future career prospects from them that it is inconceivable they would ever bite the hand that feeds them, especially not to listen to reason and demands of their sensible citizen-constituents. That's why the 5 Corporate Justices decided the way they did in the unnecessarily-expanded Citizens United ruling last January, which went well beyond that specific case to allow all corporations to pump unlimited amounts of money into elections. They did the bidding of their corporate patrons beyond the patrons' wildest dreams. Unless and until we can overturn the Corporatist-Militarist Death State and dismantle the Empire we have become, attempts at repealing the laws which sustain that Empire will be doomed to failure. And until a tipping point of USans who realize this bitter truth is reached, the Empire will continue to ravage other people and the planet, even as it erodes from within due to growing unemployment, crumbling infrastructure, an increasing prison population, a polluted environment and food system, and class warfare which intentionally pits members of the middle and working classes against themselves and against the poor and vulnerable while the Ruling Class enjoys the spectacle it has deviously engineered as it steals ever more wealth and power. Until technology comes along to eliminate the need for money and material want, nothing much will change. Al Queda has achieved their objective. They are in the process of bringing Amerika and the western world to their knees through economic warfare - The US Military (and government) only knows how to fight militarily - they have no clue about economic warfare. So far we have spent $10,000 per Afghan with no end to war in sight. With a per capita income of $800 per year, we have spent 12 + years of income per capita (not per family) For What??? There is a massive need for analgesics (pain killers) throughout the world. Turkey leagalized their poppy trade and makes a good return off of the medical market. Afghanistan could make a large amount off of the legal poppy trade. But it would cut into CIA profits. Legal opium production should be encouraged. The Chinese are desparate for a gas pipeline from the South Pars field in Iran. The Afghans could lease the land to the Chinese (or any other consortium) and make a handsome profit. But that might defeat Amerikan control of petroleum. Afghans still make some of the best carpets in the world. Through some mechanisation and modern marketing, the best of traditional rug weaving could be maintained with a higher rate of production and profit (no more exploitation) Afghans produce some of the best melons in the world. If Burkina Faso can provide petite pois to Paris, the Afghans could provide some great melons. And this is way before development of the mineral sector. With proper planning this could be a profitable partnership. There is no reason why a profitable relationaship could not be established. Instead we spend $281,000,000,000 on fewer than 500 Al Queda. That only comes down to more than $500,000,000 per Al Queda (uncaptured) Do not let your military fight an economically stupid war

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