James May | SYM
Kansas City, MO


Kansas City, MO

I'm a 25 year-old music composer, producer, and pianist from Kansas City, Missouri. I taught myself at 12 how to play piano and over the years it's grown into an incredible, potentially life-changing ability. Classical music is at the heart of all the music I make but I love to combine it faithfully in any medium/genre of music I create. I've never had a lesson in theory, orchestration, or piano and over the last few years I've written some ambitious works. I wrote my first symphony three years ago, the second the following year, and have numbers three and four on the way. For solo piano I've written two classical piano sonatas, and piano impromptu in three parts. Commercially, I've worked with Chief Wakil, Grammy-winning producer Brian Kennedy, and kMay, to name a few. I'm real chill, love to have a good time, always open to a collaboration and ready to show the world what I've got.


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Everything's Not Lost [3:20] 3:20
Tune In [3:18] 3:18
Nenia Evangelii [2:01] 2:01
Show Off [3:03] 3:03
Bounce [4:00] 4:00


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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

imagemakermusic at 02:05

Truly Enjoyed your incredible vibe congrats on a successful music journey.

4 years ago