charlie emmett | SYM



Solid Tear – Community Isolation: where did come from? In the 80..s you had the usual pop, but. Thrash metal took hold, it pushed boundaries it pushed acceptance and some times it pushed peoples patience, but it was a product of its self. It twisted and formed from peoples desire to go bigger faster stronger and it did exactly what it said on the tin. Then at the end of the 80..s Acid House was propelled to dizzy heights by the ever growing club scene. Its underground fan base pushed the music to mould it how they wanted it. At the time it was extreme, revolutionary and again, generally hated by Joe Public. The two things that shaped Solid Tear long before it knew it was been shaped. Contradictions: “Don’t come running to me if you break your legs” “Stop starting” or “start stopping” “Final destination 2” Etc. A solid tear? A tear is a gap in something solid. You can not have a solid tear. Also if you say it quick it sounds like Solitaire, as in done alone. Community isolation? You can’t be isolated in a community, nor can the community be isolated (TV Internet Papers etc) All arguable but that’s what makes them interesting. It would be a dull world if we all agreed. Listen/watch ACID, SolidteaR..s first track. If you get it and would like to hear more, the rest of the album is on Add Sol Tear too your face book, become a friend of SolidteaR on MySpace. If you like it support it, tell everyone, you never know who knows who, and all it takes is the right person to listen and the album may get a chance to be heard by a lot more people. If you don’t like, add anyway, someone you know may like it. Music isn’t about money (specially now a days) its about been apart of someone else’s life, about someone you don’t know getting pleasure and familiarity from work you have done. Work you did to please other people. That alone is worth spreading. ========================= ========================= ACID:::::::: ACID. The speech in this is very anti drug, but the music is the journey, it's a musical trip. Let the monotonous ramblings of the 50..s anti drug ..sermon.. help you thru the song, but it's the feeling in the music that grabs you. If anyone reading this has ever taken ACID then you will know what the next parts mean. The start of the song is tense; an inability to understand what is going to happen. You have taken the acid but you have no idea what is going to happen (you can tie this in with people that have taken it before, yet every trip is different and you still don't know for sure what is coming), it is this nervous disposition that causes the tense angst which the intro signifies. Once the drums break into their full tempo a feeling of "come on" is instilled, again you know taken the drug and even if it isn't actually taken effect you still get in the mood (more so if this is not the first time). Then the whole feeling slows down, it gets weird, everything changes. You are aware that things are different, its good but its different and it's a shock. You plod carefully on slightly holding back. Then as the track hits its little break (a quick breath, to take an account of what's happening), then the track and you take on an unbelievable feeling of euphoria. Everything is brilliant and clear and bright, you (and the track) are lifted, you're up there, you are peeking with full energy. The next break down in the track is the huge feeling of contentment, tripped, your tripping, but everything is floating and at peace, you just drift like the song in a wrap of warm happy glow, aware that you could be on the way down shortly, but making the most of this bit. Now reality kicks in, normality rears its ugly head, you have to face facts and god down is down when you have been up. You grind thru the outro fists clenched, teeth grit knowing that it was all false, not real, fake and that now you have to get on, get on till you can take another trip. And that's what ACID by SolidteaR is about.


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