dan keep | SYM



asrais is a british musician who produces his own songs(and few covers here n there) in whatever styles comes to him at the time.He can play a wide aray of instruments. the pan pipes,accordion,sitar,guitar,bass guitar,violin,harp,cello,harmonica,bango,piano and xylophone (lol). HIS music is VERY unique a psychodellic rock mixed classical with electric elements. Hes been making music for about 2-3 years now and feels its time to share.All his music is recorded at home into a laptop and also then mastered there so it can go straight to the people near enough as soon as its been recorded n done.Hope the people like it as much as Hes enjoyed recording it. [u]please check out brand new track[/u] (u) untitled(rough version) feat sax,pan pipes,keys n xylophone(added some reverb n other effects in mastering so the xylophone actually sounds like a organ but it was a xylo before mastering lol) those instruments shouldnt work together but they do :) website- myspace.com/asrais1[link="URL"] hey trying somthing new!!! orchestra sessions track n onwards still just me each intrement recorded indeivualy by me then put together to create some wonderfull orchestral tracks the first one is a cover of KARL JEKINS masterpeice PALLADIO.[u][/u][u]


Recent Tracks

Song Length
(c)blondie-call me(cover) N/A
metal gear soild 2 theme (video game devolped by konami) N/A
(u)unititled(rough version) N/A
(cd)(dawn of the new day) N/A
(s)soulless/lifeless N/A


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