Craig and Janie Ibanez | SYM
Susanville, CA


Susanville, CA

hi everyone, we are craig and janie ibanez of night owl productions. we are a husband/wife duo from beautiful northern california. we perform at a lot of different venues including a lot of corporate events. we have both been in numerous talent competitions in california and nevada. janie won a televised competition in reno and has had radio airplay in california. both have won several competitions. we perform a lot of cover songs, but do have some originals also. very interested in pursuing more of our original songwriting and collaborating with other artists. thank you to everyone on here for all the support and votes so far, and we look forward to listening to you all, thanks!!


Recent Tracks

Song Length
04 Amazed N/A
09Everything to me/Duet N/A
10Tough N/A
06Tattoo N/A
05 Everybody N/A


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