Hestia Hearth | SYM
Anywhere, KS


Anywhere, KS

[b][i][color="darkblue"][/color] Hestia lives on Mount Impossible, the world's tallest mountain and deepest cavern located 55 miles due west of the center of somewhere. Her material is stolen from the music and messages of characters in her personal dreams. Hestia lost interest in consciousness and its monotonously repetitive skits, dramas and melodramas shortly after the fall of Camelot. If you too have grown tired of seeing the same old movie being shown under increasingly enticing marques, then you may enjoy listening to Hestia's world as she dances around the moonfire. She has a My Space account and its address is:[link="http://www.myspace.com/hestiabeeswaxandfeathers"]Hestia's MySpace Page[/link] Her CDs are for sale on [link="http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/hestia"]Beeswax and Feathers[/link] and [link="http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/hestia2"]Turk's Revenge[/link] Check out two more of her MP3s on Soundclick.com at: http://members.soundclick.com/hestiamoonfire


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Light From a Distant Star N/A
Tomorrow N/A
La Locura de Coronado from the album "Turk's Revenge" on CD Baby N/A
Los Coyotes from the Album "Turk's Revenge" on CD Baby N/A
Ode to Pan from Album "Beeswax and Feathers" on CD Baby N/A


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