Tommy Carter | SYM
Trussville, AL


Trussville, AL

Tommy Carter started his career in the mid to late 70’s working as a session musician in Mussel Shoals, Alabama, as well as Atlanta, Nashville and Memphis. In 1984, he was signed to a record deal with CBS, Epic records. At that time, he was working with a brilliant singer and song writer, Terry McNeal. The project was produced by Jack Holder, recorded in Memphis and it was mixed and mastered at ‘The Hit Factory’ in New York City. He toured with Stevie Ray Vaughn, Gregg Allman, and other music legends. He worked in the studio with great musicians such as Jimmy Hall (from the band “Wet Willy”), Jimi Jamison (from the band “Survivor) and Neil Schon (of the band Journey). In 1992, Tommy began writing background music for TBS Sports highlights. Since then, he has written and recorded background music for the Discovery Channel, The A&E network, History Channel, HBO, and some movies like The Machinist (2004), and Romeo & Juliet. [link=""]My other site [/link]


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Staxx [3:59] 3:59
Union Station [2:21] 2:21
High Heel Strut [1:56] 1:56
Stand Alone [3:16] 3:16
Fast Drive [2:34] 2:34


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