uhuru imane | SYM
yay area, CA


yay area, CA

[b][email protected][/b] [b]FOR PRODUCTION SERVICES, PRICES FOR SONGZ AND VOCALS AND BOOKING OR COMMENTS.IF ANY FEMALES WANT TO MODEL AND ARTIST WANT TO COLLABORATGE AND COME TO THE STUDIO AND HELP EXPAND THERE CAREER TO SUPPORT A GOOD CAUSE VISIT MY OTHER SITES FOR AN EXCLUSIVE LOOK INTO PHAT BEETZ ENT AND SENT YOUR LOVE AND COMMENT TO THE LINKS BELOW.THANKS FOR TAKING TO VISIT MY PAGE AND IF YOU READ THIS FAR DONT FORGET TO DO THE FOLLWOING BELOW.[/b] [b]DONT FORGET TO VOTE DONT FORGET TO VOTE DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND LEAVE A COMMENT AND LEAVE A COMMENT AND LEAVE A COMMENT ON MY WEBSITES AS WELL ON MY WEBSITES AS WELL ON MY WEBSITES AS WELL[/b] [b]LIKE THE BEATS CALL CDZ READY FOR ORDERZ. LIKE THE SONGZ CALL CDZ READY FOR ORDERZ. LIKE THE VOCAL CALL CDZ READY FOR ORDERZ. LIKE THE MUZIK CALL CDZ READY FOR ORDERZ.[/b] [b]PHAT BEATZ ENT (510) 222 - 1291[/b] [b]http://cdbaby.com/cd/phatbeetz[/b] [b]dopetracks.com/phatbeetz[/b] [b]http://phatbeetz.imeem.com/[/b] Biography [b]http://www.showcaseyourmusic.com"/PHATBEETZ[/b] [b]http://www.showcaseyourmusic.com/EMCEE4HIYAHSPITFIYA[/b] [b]http://www.broadjam.com/Phat Beetz ENT [/b] [b]http://www.garageband.com/artist/PHATBEATZ[/b] [b]http://www.indie911.com/index.php?cID=79410&mode=edit&step=2[b] TEXT 17082 TO MYXER (69937) FOR THE NEW SONG 510 ON THE RADIO AND IN STORES. Need Quality Beats Reasonable Prices. CALL ME OR SEND AN EMAIL LETS TALK MUSIC. [b]http://cdbaby.com/cd/phatbeetz[b] [b]Dj with wide array of musical skills for seasoned professionals and new comers to the music arena.10 years of musicology with heavy emphasis on music production,promotion,marketing, and artist developement. A serious music profesional who donate music & money to humanitarian causes in africa.I Know most people dont like to read but all i can say is to all the fans,hataz, and true musicians and wanna be artists and people just here to waste your time by telling you your no good when you know you are i tell you what. I'll be glad when i see the day when people just not make music and entertainment about money and about good art. I hate watching how corporate america has reduced all the great artist and arts and crafts which come from the geto'z urban areas and the suburbds to and turning us all into commercial puppets to feed there bank accounts while we are striving and starving to make ends meet to book studio time and find artisth with similar interest who will collaborate with you so us artist can have some pay checks and cash in hand as well to keep doing this music. If people regular people who labels themselves as musicians dont learn to get along with one another then one day when fans and people who listne to music really realize whats going on the art will die and it will be a digital suicide and all those who are true to there art form will be like damn. I wanted to save the music but to many people dying over it and to many clowns getting sales and living off trash as music and its sucks because the message which truly needs to get told like always in all things gets trashed and hidden. I wish people who listen to music and not create could learn to create music themselves and learn how hard it is and appreciate the different art forms for the lyfestyle for which the hands of oppresion have placed many people under to speak about through there music so they would not diss such music so much which they cant relate to. As the old saying goes a family that pray together stay together. The same goes for fans and musicians if fans learn to listen the musicians prayers and learn about music which is not always mainstream and balance the scales so all those who are voicless can have a voice then it will make society a lot better and a breath of fresh air could breath into the game a change. One love peace and If any models and actors and anybody who has connections in the music industry and would like to take there game further contact me and lets. MOney talk anythang else can walk if it aint about the goals of PHATBEATZENT.[/b][code]


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Throw 'n $$$$$ N/A
PutYaHandsUp N/A
WhoDaBestUnSinged N/A
CryintOut N/A
AlignedWitDaGodz N/A


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