Jason Low | SYM
San Francisco, CA


San Francisco, CA

Hello Peepz, What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear this music? My music has been described as "abstract", "different", "crazy", "scary", and "noise". What is it to you? Is it something you could listen to or is it something in passing. Let your mind wander when you hear it and you will know where I'm coming from. If you come here with a closed mind you won't get it. Open up your mind and expand your horizon. Where does this music lead you? Is it confusing? Maybe. It could also just be noise to you. I basically am trying to mix the old with the new. Have you heard of 12 tone serials? How about African Tribal Music? Of course you have heard electronica. What if I told you that I have mixed all three together. What would it sound like? What would you call it? [hr] All of my music is written using a midi program like Finale then processed through a sound font program which produces the sound. Which gives it a computerized/synthesized kinda sound.[hr] If you would like to reach me, I'm on myspace at: [link="http://www.myspace.com/kemerockz"]Http://www.myspace.com/kemerockz[/link] or... [link="http://www.kemerockz.com"]Http://www.kemerockz.com[/link].


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Recent Tracks

Song Length
Headed Towards Insanity N/A
Dizzy Clown N/A
Dance of Confusion N/A


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