Nino Teasley | SYM
Greensboro, NC


Greensboro, NC

Currently residing in Greensboro North Carolina; Yung Swagg is an established fixture among the oasis of unsigned area artist Growing up in New Haven Connecticut (The back yard of New York City), Swagg is the son of the accomplished DJ Squirrel, his mentor Swagg has never been a stranger to music,developing a sav-vy ear for a variety sound while helping his father DJ events Today, Swagg finds inspiration in the firm lyrics of artist such as Canibus, Big L, Kool G Rap, Tupac Shakur, and Christopher ' Biggie Smalls' Wallace; just to name a few To Yung Swagg, an artist who has no respect for those who paved the way will never obtain the satisfaction in there work that a true artist desires From organizing rap battles on the school playground as a child to commanding his new street team of fresh talent Swagg has always displayed quality leadership skills while following the guidance of his supportive parents and siblings Talent is never in short supply with the innovative Swagg Flexing his resources to maximum capacity, Swagg has found a way to produce quality sound with a simple diaphragm microphone When asked how does he feels his music Swagg replied,'' My imagination is only limited by my motivation which is the never ending love for helping people move towards progress I think most people look to music when situations in there life become a burdon My overall message is real artist reconize real artist the same with life If you know what you want in life and your heart is pure, all you have to do is walk up, grab it and rip that S#%t'' Be on the lookout for Swaggs sixth mixtape intitled '' Slaughter House'' which features MOBB BOYZ of Real Talk ENT[color="green"][/color]


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Ghetto In The Sky N/A
Let Dem' N****s Hate N/A
Real Az It Get (Feat. Cash) N/A
Ay Girl (RnB Freestyle)(Feat. Kid-Ku-Rone) N/A


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