Jeffrey Garovoy | SYM
Malibu, CA


Malibu, CA

Jeffrey Garovoy has been writing songs, poems, and stories in his journals since a preteen. He started playing in a punk rock clubs and battles of the bands as "THE WORST", in the late 70’s in Worcester. Massachusetts. He moved to California in 1982, Jeff stopped performing but continued writing and playing. Finally in 2000, circumstances had him buy recording equipment and a set of drums (in 2004), and record over 100 of his 160 plus songs playing guitars, bass and drums. With a questioning of the status quo, and a message of hope and tolerance, Jeff’s songs point out that beliefs are our own, and that by working together we can save the world. His own brand of entertaining debauchery keeps the message from being too serious. With a sound that can be anywhere from early punk, bluegrass, aggressive acoustic folk, country, or a mixture of many styles, Jeff always entertains. By Michael Cohen


Recent Tracks

Song Length
In Need Of Love [1:44] 1:44
Banned In Boston [1:49] 1:49
Nuke The Whales N/A
Time Bomb [2:02] 2:02
Paradise N/A


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