howell, NJ


howell, NJ

“If you say you don’t need a Self Esteem Lecture you’re lying to yourself.” -By Rick Barringer, The New York Grimes - June 2007 SELF ESTEEM LECTURE DENVER, CO Self Esteem Lecture is what you would call a welcome change. With their self-adorned “Industrial Nursery Glam Rap” genre they entreat the willing ear with a range of songs like the ever-manic “Dry,” a 60 second cathartic punch-in-the-face sung by the front man Sipi Waters, to the Madonna-esque “Skool,” a soothing trek into the dirty mind of fantasy-filled Ina, to the upbeat industrial lecture “The Next Step,” a schizophrenic prophecy by ChrisD returning to hip hop’s underground rhyming techniques. They always leave you filled but wanting more. They have played with bands such as the tongue-in-cheek flamboyant alt-rock Thing Knife, also based out of Denver, Colorado, and punk-rapper Gonna Get Got based out of Brooklyn, New York and self-proclaimed as “the fly-rhymer in eyeliner.” All of the members have been long-time showmen and women starting with Waters going all the way back to 1997 fronting the then cult-like followed band An Idiot’s Delight. Ina made guest appearances in some of An Idiot’s Delight’s songs and has been leading trends in singing styles and fashion ever since. Then from 2002-2003 once again Waters fronted a band called Pottymouth. ChrisD is no exception. He started his first band, Kill YourSelf Inc., in 2000 as the front man. He went on to form a band called Pheebis in 2001 and then The Crooks in 2005 with many side projects in between. The motivated trio, ChrisD, Ina, and Sipi Waters, are constantly working to get their music and ideas out there. With over 3200 friends aquired on their MySpace page in just a few months, newly released FREE 6-song demo, “No One You Know,” a fully offensive and disturbing music video for “New Kids On The Block,” a mini east coast tour, and their first full length EP “Guess What I Found In the Attic” to come out late 2007 they can be called anything but lazy. Rick Barringer The New York Grimes cd sampler out now...


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