Jack Jackson | SYM


[color="darkblue"]Scenes from the Lounge Tour [/color] [color="green"] It's jazzy but its not, its electronic but its not, its funky, but its not, Its Audible Silence, a dreamy concoction of rythms with a hypnotic taste. For the age of chill, light the candles and the gonesh, open the wine, pull your lover close, press play and everything else falls in place.[/color] [color="cyan"]The idea for this 13 track cd actually started over thirteen years ago. Since then P. Jackson has worked for/with and in numerous bands writting, singing, performing, whatever. Always feeling Scenes was good music to do whatever by, he decided to release it. The songs in the beginning actually didn't have titles but were numbers a tribute to to one of his favorite bands (Madhouse) the titles came later- 12years later created and were named from things he would see, think or feel during numerous shows.[/color] [color="indigo"]This is truly an inspiring collection of songs to do anything an everything by, but was written to dream and escape to.[/color] [color="red"]Listen as the dreamy surround effects and get wisked away. Be caught in a haze of overwhelming feelings, Ponder the question of[/color][color="blue"] does he/she notice me,[/color] that thought we have all had time and time again. [color="blue"]If only[/color] I weren't [color="blue"]too shy to speak.[/color][color="green"] Get away[/color] in the magic as the music takes and changes to and with what ever mood you are in, listen again and again, you won't hear them the same. [color="violet"]P. Jackson is origanally from southside Chicago (true S Chi-town) but has travel the world, performed in every genre except opera and everything is self taught. Loves all realms of music and believes originality is what counts.[/color] Check it out[color="red"] any comments would be appreciated.[/color] Thanks for your time P. Jackson [color="orange"] The hardest thing to do is compete in a music world that claims originality is keen but puts out and listens to the same thing as everyone else. Hussle to have more of nothing, makes us forget the simple things, stops us from taking time out to realize life is short. Its time to chill the frag out, sit back, and listen to the world we are creating. There is nothing wrong with your ears, let me know what you think.[/color] [color="red"] To those who listen and vote, thankyou. To those who leave comments I thankyou for the things said. Each comment is kept in my heart and used in and for the next project.[/color] [color="red"] Why I choose to release an instrumental first.[/color] [color="green"] I wanted people to honestly listen and hear with their own souls, not be told what to feel or think. Like stated earlier, I didn't even want them to have names because it gives a direction. I wanted to create something with no barriers, something as free as the wind and as fluid as water. So when you listen, please truly listen with no thoughts as to what is the song trying to say. Hear where your heart is tying to take you. Thanks[/color] [color="red"] Visit my friend Dar'c Black and his sound at www.myspace.com/darcieblack[/color] [color="darkred"] Spread the word tell a friend about the music you like on this site, let's help each other instead of bringing each other down, I don't know of any one making it from this site so its up to us. Make, break or help.Thanks for the support. [/color] Dishonesty and hating only works in the industry for publicity, this isn't the industry, let's help each other out HONESTLY, there is no gain on here otherwise. ******************note from the editor******************************** [color="red"] I have one request for those of you that vote, I don't care what you vote, there is nothing wrong with your ears, but please be honest and please if you do, give some feedback as to why you give what you give. If your going to give me a three, have the heart to let me know what disappointed you (and be valid) so I know it is not out of spite. thanks.[/color] [color="purple"] PLESAE BUY/WHERE TO BUY (support a starving artist) [/color] http://cdbaby.com/cd/audiblesilence Links for this album: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playListId=216020020 http://payplay.fm/audiblesilence http://musicishere.com/artists/Audible_Silence/Scenes_from_the_Lounge_Tour http://www.tradebit.com/filedetail.php/1645698


Recent Tracks

Song Length
2 Get Away N/A
5 Too Shy To Speak N/A
6 If Only N/A
4 Caught in the Haze N/A
3 The One That Started it All N/A


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