12-7-08 Join our mailing list and find out direct news on US. Go to: [link=""] HardEight is heard on Reverbnation[/link] 11/3/08 In process of changing up the Rock and streamlining the musicians. Still being heard and downloaded on Amy coop - USA downloaded "tower" 09-05-08 Check out our Press Release section for the latest! Latest News! 06-20-08 Check out our new artist page! NEW STATS 06-04-08 Just wanted to give you a few stats on us. Reverbnation/hardeight, we are holding at 900 out of 26,500 in the rock charts. In songvault, "runaway and too far gone" are in the finals on the rock genre, which means...they will soon have permanent radio play on This is cool, as constant exposure for us. Thanks for listening and supporting us..We are listening! LATEST NEWS!!! 05-24-08 Download from "Shadow Man", was downloaded from by zsugya robbie, romania "Too Far Gone", was download by pravin kumar, india We are moving up on "the one for me", at 6, moving up from (51), Rock, HARDEIGHT, Plays: 101 "insane", at 10, moving up from (12), Hard Rock, HARDEIGHT, Plays: 81 "shadow man",at 9, moving up from(10), Pop, HARDEIGHT,Plays: 92 Artist Stats Update for the week of May 09 - May 16 hardeight, we have compiled a little update for you. -For the last 24 hours, your showcase is ranked number 633. -For the week, your showcase is ranked number 952. Here is your weekly artist statistics report from MyMusicStream. Total Plays: 3613 Plays Overall Ranking: 199 Genre Ranking (Rock): 27 Genre Ranking (Blues): 11 Genre Ranking (Metal): 30 Total Downloads: 139 Downloads Overall Ranking: 112 Genre Ranking (Rock): 9 Genre Ranking (Blues): 4 Genre Ranking (Metal): 23 05-22-08, We are currently in the process of "pre-production", and hope to have our music out and two ya in a few months. We will send out an announcement when they are ready. 05-12-08, "too far gone" has been downloaded through WE are still holding our spots on 11 Runaway, hard8. in (Metal) SongVault Finals 8 Too Far Gone. hard8 in (Rock) SongVault Showcase 04-25-08 More NEWS! "We are holding 11 from 12 in METAL FINALS w/"RUNAWAY". "TOO FAR GONE" in Rock SHOWCASE at 11. Thanks to all who have voted for us on SONGVAULT.FM " Recently on, "the one for me" was downloaded 2 times in the past couple of days, from pangkalpinang, indonesia and another from denmark. 04-21-08 Hey, we were just checking out I-TUNES store, by typing in "hardeight"....and Elizabeth, The One for Me, Toymaker, and Insane..are the most popular... Also, songvault...we are holding steady with Runaway..only 99 cents each. 04-16-08 LATEST NEWS Hard Eight on Showcaseyourmusic hardeight, we have compiled a little update for you. -For the last 24 hours, your showcase is ranked number 899. This is the closest that we have moved up in the ranks yet! THANKS TO SPIDERWEBRADIO LISTENERS! Runaway 5 independant tune this week! Our listeners rate our tunes by clicking on the thumbs up button on their live365. com player... Congrats. AC We are holding steady at number 12 in SONGVAULT.FM FINALS...with RUNAWAY! please come and vote... 04-07-08 "Elizabeth" has been downloaded and purchased through from I-Tunes store. Weekly artist statistics report from MyMusicStream. Total Plays: 3257 Plays Overall Ranking: 183 Genre Ranking (Rock): 25 Genre Ranking (Blues): 11 Genre Ranking (Metal): 29 Total Downloads: 135 Downloads Overall Ranking: 107 Genre Ranking (Rock): 8 Genre Ranking (Blues): 4 Genre Ranking (Metal): 23 04-05-08 Another week in music, we got more downloads and more reviews...they just keep rollin in. We have also moved up on diskfaktoryjams in the top 10 positions. 03-30-08 We just checked out stats on, and type in hardeight. We are moving up. We are in the TOP 20 Singles Chart for the last 30 days. ROCK - number 3, up from (33) elizabeth Rock HARDEIGHT Plays: 49 ALL - number 8, up from (193) elizabeth Rock HARDEIGHT Plays: 49 HARD ROCK - number 4, down by (2) insane Hard Rock HARDEIGHT Plays: 34 POP - number 5, up by (6) shadow man Pop HARDEIGHT Plays: 36 03-26-08 CURRENT POSITION [link=""] Vote and Download us from SONGVAULT[/link] WE HAVE MOVED UP IN THE RANKS. NOW 2 OF 4 TIERS, WITH THE METAL TOP 10 SHOWCASE WITH BOTH "RUNAWAY AND TOYMAKER". RUNAWAY IS HOLDING AT NUMBER 4..TOYMAKER AT NUMBER 17. HOLDING STEADY ROCK TOP 40 SHOWCASE, ALL MOVING UP 2 OF 4 TIERS 21 - INSANE, 22 - SHADOW MAN, 23 - TOWER, 24 - AS FAR AS I CAN SEE Hello Frank & Teresa (HARD 8), What a Fantastic debut album. You have managed to put together an album of melodic magic. "Tower" has a musical blend that can only be found on Van Halen albums "II" and "Women And Children First". "Insane" is a blues lovers delight. Gina’s vocals brings me back to the ’80’s, and the great Pat Benatar (from my homeland of Long Island). My two personal faves are "The One For Me" the Journey sounding ballad, and "Shadow Man" is the song I found myself sing aloud in my car several times in a row. Franks guitar work is masterful throughout this entire album. With his brilliant George Lynch Dokken style rockers, to the tender acoustic shinings found on "As Far As I Can See" and "The One For Me". I can’t wait for the next album! Don’t be like BOSTON and wait 8 years between albums. STEEL 93 will began playing both "Shadow Man" and "The One For Me" starting this Saturday March 29th, and will air for the next 30 days. Great Stuff!!!! CHEERS!!! Adam Z STEEL 93 03-24-08 More comments; from Jamm'n Jay on I-SIS Radio [link=""] Vote and Download us from SONGVAULT[/link] So far, I've been getting some really positive feedback from people, and alot of my friends have been listening and telling me they think you guys are great. One of my friends, Marnie, said something that I've been thinking which is "the lead singer sounds like a combination of Pat Benatar, Bonnie Raitt, Joan Jett and Heart". 03-20-08 WMAC ROCKS HARDEIGHT Hi Teresa, In addition to Too Far Gone, we are also currently playing Runaway. Too Far Gone is in heavy rotation (Top Spins) and Runaway in medium. We also have Insane, The One For me, Shadowman, and Elizabeth in a lighter rotation and we love them all. If you have more tracks you would like to get on the air, we would be more than happy to add those too. Just let us know. Thanks, Mark 03-18-08 Hello Teresa SONO/ Entertainment Group! is the owner of k94rocks. com and we do play your music and love doing so thanks You rock AJ. THANKS TO SPIDERWEBRADIO.COM, WE ARE IN THE TOP!! Here’s our top 5 independant songs rated by our listeners. 5) Shadow Man - Hard Eight 03-13-08 JAMMNJAY - showcases HARDEIGHT I love your music so much that I want MORE!! Anyway, as soon as you get some more music out there, send it right to me. You guys are really awesome! :) Jay 03-12-08 Hard Eight jamming on ISIS RADIO-1, THANKS JAMMIN JAY 03-11-08 We are available through, [email protected] 03-04-08 WE ARE WORKING ON NEW MUSIC and NEW PIX COMING AS WELL - YOU KNOW THIS TAKES A BIT...SO WE WILL POST-IT WHEN ITS READY! THANKS FOR SUPPORTING US OUR MUSIC HAS NOW BEEN ADDED TO 4 ADDITIONAL INTERNET STATIONS.. WE ARE NOW PART OF "MODERNROCKCLASSICS.COM AND SPIDERWEBRADIO.COM, STEEL93.COM AND SPIDERRADIO.NET". link=""]Hear us and download from MYMUSICSTREAM.COM[/link] 02-28-08 SOME NEW STATS TO SHARE WITH YA'LL RUNAWAY AND TOYMAKER HAVE MOVED UP TO TIER 2, AND ARE HOLDING RESPECTFULLY AT RUNAWAY NUMBER 4, AND TOYMAKER AT NUMBER 19 IN TOP 40 METAL SHOWCASE ELIZABETH AND THE ONE FOR ME HAVE HAD THE MOST PLAYS SINCE THERE LAST MOVE ON SONGVAULT.FM 02-17-08 THANKS TO OUR FANS, "RUNAWAY" is our highest ranked song at NUMBER 6 in the METAL SECTION AT [link="URL"]SONGVAULT.COM [/link] 01-29-08 OUR CD and MP3's available for .99 from link below Hard Eight on CDBABY.COM Download our Tunes from ITunes for only .99 01-08-08 Hard Eight review on StrutterZine Magazine in the UK Towards the bottom I was very surprised when I put on the CD of this Los Angeles based band, because it sounded very impressive. HARD EIGHT are clearly inspired by classic 80s Melodic Hardrock, with strong similarities to SCORPIONS, DOKKEN and such, yet with an amazing female singer called GINA. Her voice gives the sound of HARD EIGHT an enormous push to a sensational level and especially during songs like “Run away”, “Elizabeth” and “Dark streets” HARD EIGHT sounds like the next big thing in our Melodic Hardrockgenre. I am even more surprised this band is still unnoticed and just a so-called local band, because they sound simply amazing. This is 80s Melodic Hardrock at it’s very best, just turn up the volume and rock out. Very much recommended to fans of LAOS, VIXEN, PHANTOM BLUE, DEVAY, HEAT, IF ONLY… Better check it out asap at: and and (Points: 8.4 out of 10) 01-06-07 .. View HARDEIGHT at DiskFaktory Jams 12-29-07 HERE IS ANOTHER MAGAZINE IN THE UK INTERESTED IN EXPOSING OUR MUSIC! Hi Guys, Nicky here from Fireworks Magazine in the UK. I am interested in writing about your music for my feature "The Music Is Out There", I enjoyed the samples I heard here on myspace. I'm musically very open minded and even though we are a hard rock magazine I like to feature diverse music, which is what I'm into. We sell over 3000 copies & the magazine can be bought at Virgin Megastores & Borders Bookshops here in the UK & various outlets throughout Europe as well as downloadable PDF versions. "As far as I can see" was purchased through "Itunes-UK", thanks to CDBABY in Dec. "Shadow Man and Tower" were downloaded on 12-20-07 by wael mansour, of Yugoslavia 12-15-07 CONGRATULATIONS TO HARDEIGHT, they sold a CD to a man in Woodlands, TX, USA through CDBABY...WWAAYYY TOO GOOO!!! TO REQUEST HARD EIGHT, GO TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE, CLICK "CONTINUE" AND GO TO REQUEST SECTION, LOOK UP, Hard Eight BE PLAYED on k94rocks Hard Eight played on WMAC ROCKS 12-12-07 Hard Eight played on ARfm - brings a new era of rock into the united kingdom We love the 2 songs "THE ONE FOR ME AND RUNAWAY" we currently have in rotation on our station and we would be more than happy to add more from Hard Eight. Thank you so much for posting your material on Airplay Direct! Mark Cook, WMAC ROCKS 12-08-07 THIS EDITOR FROM HOLLAND IS CHECKING IS OUT! Gabor Kleinbloesem and I am the editor of Strutter'zine, a printed magazine and international website from Holland which is based on (melodic) AOR, Hardrock, Pop/Rock and Metal. We are now very interested in hearing and reviewing the CD of HARD EIGHT. I'd very much appreciate it if you could sent us the CD, so we can make a review of it in Strutter'zine and let people know of your CD. We will keep you posted, when this all has happened and our review is posted! andrewdrake, Sidney Australia ( 04-Dec-07 ), Nice tracks!! I'm a fan, "Insane" was downloaded this week by, Courtney Hate (29-Nov-07) of New Zealand 11-26-07 [link=""] HardEight are longtime members of Isound[/link] [link=""] HardEight is heard on Reverbnation[/link] [link="http://www."] This comment can be found on our myspace[/link] A Response to this posting on: 11-17-07 For all of your Rock lovers, the band Hard Eight got a song purchase of "Elizabeth" this week from the ITunes-Uk. That's great, since the song was inspired after watching the movie "Elizabeth" after Queen Elizabeth. [b]For "lyrics", go to[/b][link=""] HardEight is heard on Reverbnation[/link] [I]Fan comment: It's Doc's and my favorite Hard Eight song and I just snagged it to put it on my player ;) You guys ROCK but this song just does me in and that's a very good thing!! Love ya!! Jade[/I} Posted by Cute Rocker Chick ~ Broadcast Asylum Co-Host on Sunday, November 25, 2007 at 11:28 AM [link=""]HardEight member of ShowcaseYourMusic[/link] Update for the week of Nov 16th - Nov 23 Hard Eight, we have compiled a little update for you. -For the last 24 hours, your showcase is ranked number 5373. -For the week, your showcase is ranked number 6426. 11-25-07 [link=""]You can get Our Band Logo from WordofBlog[/link] 11-22-07 Check us out...hear and download and get the lyrics to a few of your favorite tunes. [link=""] Download us from AirPlayDirect[/link] [b]Here are some cool comments for the band from our fans. [/b] -------------- Heard your music and dig the girl singer. Suzi - myspace ------------------------- Happy ThanksGiving to all the Family of Hard Eight! Great to share your cool music! And to any musical friend.... --------------------- Love to play your music on [b]The SoupyGato Show[/b] Essexville MI 48732 usa --------------------- [b]Sapre productions llc, myspace[/b] Thanks for the add. I've been listening to you forever on [b]B.A.Radio- love your music!!![/b] We just love you guys and it's good to see the people in the UK have taste, too ;) And Doc and I can't get enough of ELIZABETH.. it is definitely our favorite Hard Eight tune!! You soooooooooo rock!! Love to all!! XoXoX Check me out at [b]Broadcast Asylum![/b] Thursday nites at 5pst, 6mst, 7cst, 8est ---------------------- Hello HARD EIGHT! Hell yes, we can't not spin your tracks, our listeners (500,000+ strong) love you guys, and so do we! We need to set up an on air interview with you! Have a great weekend! BROADCAST ASYLUM RADIO 11-16-07 [link=" "]Recently, our song "elizabeth" was purchased through CDbaby" ITunes - UK"[/link] "Tower" was downloaded yesterday by, Lizz G (16-Nov-07 )USA 11-15-07 Current Stats [link=""]Our entire album was downloaded earlier this month[/link] "Shadow Man and Tower" was downloaded last week by, Kevin Newman (10-Nov-07 ) USA "Shadow Man" was downloaded last week by, Frederick Valcho (5-Nov-07 ) USA "Tower and Shadow Man" was downloaded last week by, Josh Turner (4-Nov-07 )USA ABOUT THE BAND: Hard Eight was founded in January of 2001 by Frank Marrero. His vision and creativity is the drive behind the band. The urge to bring back the 80's rhythm and melodies to today's music, with the touches of a Jazz drummer to the mix. The band influences include Iron Maiden, Rob Halford and Dream Theatre just to name a few. This formed the unique sound known as Hard Eight. The band has come together to create a very unique blend of Rock with a Jazz touch. All songs are original.[link="URL"][link="URL"]

Recent Tracks |
Song | Length | |
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As far as I can see | N/A | |
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Toymaker | N/A | |
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Tower | N/A | |
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Too Far Gone | N/A | |
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Insane | N/A |
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