Let It Bleed | SYM
Davenport, FL


Song Length
Let It Bleed [4:43] 4:43
Description: PICTURE: Me biting a good rat at Bryan Tobias's Home in Staatsburgh, NY.I wanna say the SG behind me is the one I sold him before going to Germany. I had just gotten my Guild, which is coming up on its 50th birthday. SONG: Another DDT recording from the Genie St. Location of Stern Flurry Productions. Dal is on rhythm and vocals, I'm on lead and bass and Dan is keeping us together. WE played every Sunday for about 3 years at Genie Street. Must say we got our use out of it. We had an air conditioner, but thanks to Salem's weather, I don't believe we ever used it...maybe to cool the room before, but never during.