Kyle Reed | SYM
Corning, NY


Corning, NY

These are some lo-fi recordings from an old 4-track tape. No time put into mixing the levels as the tape is old, and most of this is just me screwing around. This is all me playing either an old, right handed p.o.s. "Cruise" bass, or my left handed super awesome and cool "Schecter", any drums are just metronome functions, and the vocals were dont through various hot mics into a digitec bp-90. If you can bear it, listen to the entirety of the "Trying some finger tapping" song, it was a recording of a pratice session one night after a few beers, when, as the name would suggest, I tried some finger tapping.


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Recent Tracks

Song Length
Windy [2:27] 2:27
Trying some finger tapping [6:22] 6:22
Deus Ex Machina [4:25] 4:25
Chicken Abuse [0:47] 0:47


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