Aaron Rose | SYM



Phyllasoma formed in 2002, comprising of four members from the greater Christchurch area. After gaining a solid reputation as a covers band the group then turned their attention to crafting their own songs. Although the lineup as changed from the original members the core and idea is the same With ambience, atmosphere, and an energetic sound, coupled with a visually and sonically stimulating stage show, phyllasoma is alternative rock with a unique edge. A dynamic group that takes a fresh approach to their sound, whilst retaining a sense of flow and natural progression. Each member has a distinctly different musical background, and as such each person also has a different perspective on any given musical idea. This serves to make phyllasoma more than just the sum of its parts but its own entity. Phyllasoma recently moved from New Zealand to Sydney Australia. We we are now working on demos for our first full length album and will be playing shows as soon as we can. www.phyllasoma.com www.myspace.com/phyllasoma


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Rusted [3:30] 3:30
Next time rond [4:13] 4:13


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