TnT (Netherlands) | SYM
The Hague


The Hague

[color="darkred"] In the year 1980 Joey and René decides, along with Willem Strijk, to form a new rockband in conjuction with the former band. It was the meaning to form a heavy, melodic, hard-rock band, so the search for a guitarist and a bassist has started. Very quick they found a young bassplayer, Peter ten Haaft, perfectly the guy they need for this music. Then the most hardest thing was to find a guitarist that will fit in. After several self-complacent guitarists we find the perfect one, Peter van Es, who has the right sound and attitude. With this band ther are many succesfull gigs, playing own compositions and covers from bands like, Judas Priest, Loverboy, Jefferson Starship, etc. TnT was that time a very popular band. The power of the band was a combination of outstanding talent of some members and a long lasting frienship, till now on. Anyway, the vacantion has ended, and the members are now agreed to something again, [i][b]IT'S IN THE BLOOD!![/b][/i], isn't it? From now on we are working on a studioproject what will, hopefully, end in a new cd. After all this time we are still GREAT friends. [i][b]"STILL GOING STRONG"[/b][/i] Sure you hear more of TnT in the near future!!! In Memoriam of our beloved 1st guitarist Peter van Es, we will use the ideas, that he left behind for us, in future projects. So, he can still be heard. Peter, we'll always miss you. [/color]


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Maybe N/A
Warpath N/A
Will It Be The Night N/A


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