Keke Mokorosi | SYM



Hey, My name's Keke and I've been makin music electronically for a few years but only really got into it like a year ago. It all started when a friend introduced me to a simple program back in the day, but since then I've moved on to greater and more complex things... So what started with a simple kick and snare turned out to be some pretty hectic shizzz! ..................................................... [u]3 Jan 2009[/u] Ok so it's been AGES since I last visited ShowcaseYourMusic but that doesn't mean that I haven't been making beats!! So 2008 ended up being an interesting year for me.... I really got into Drum 'n Bass so I decided to start making some D&B myself. Hope you guys like what you hear. ..................................................... [u]5 March 2010[/u] Wow, seems like I'm only here once a year! But anyways, for the last year and a half I've been focusing on DJ'ing so my production took the back seat for a while but I've recently been inspired by dubstep and thus took it uopn myself to see what I could make of the genre. Hope u like! Here's a mix a recorded earlier this year[b][/b][b][/b]


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Quota - Mashup 20 Oct 2010 N/A
Amp Live ft. Mickey Factz - Turn it Up (Quota remix) N/A
Quota - Paranormal Activity N/A
Quota - Scrotum Coat N/A
Fidget vs Electro mashup N/A


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