Sam Jones | SYM
Danville, VA


Danville, VA

Cowboy Outlaws are a band out of Danville,VA.We're a small four piece band with our unique sound.Our dreams has always been to have a career in music and get away from our day and night time jobs.Using Showcase Your Music is an advantage to us because there is no where within miles of our home town to where our music can be heard.We're trying everyway possible to get our songs out there.This group is well known for it's vocals,harmony,and style of music.Peopl say that our sound put us up there with Alabama and The Eagles.We have very talented musicians and songwriters.We feel that all bands should be family oriented,not competitors,because most bands wants the same thing.That's where we believe in helping each other comes in.We have a website at free to come by and visit it and tell us what you think. Thanks! The Cowboy Outlaws


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Carolina Midnight N/A
Unexpected Love N/A


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