Dr. Horseleach | SYM
Brainerd, MN


Brainerd, MN

[b][color="red"]About "The Island of Dr. Horseleach"... In early 2006, Dr. Horseleach unleashed unto the world, a crunch-laden catastrophy of electronic synths and cheesy keyboards, laced with low rumbling vocal chords, raspy robo-gullet vibrations and every sick and twisted sound inbetween. Within Dr. Horseleaches metaphorical (and actual) lair can be found tales of sadistic science experiements, the creation of beings and creatures too malevolent for regular "every-day" people. Actual accounts of padded walls, and mutated behemoths, not to mention the local islanders and their "customs". Hell, Zombies, the questionability of "God's" existance, and everything inbetween, make for just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, that is "The Island of Dr. Horseleach". On June 30th, "The Island" was first brought to a live audience. Whilst still in the stages of formation, the fundamental principal was displayed for the wide eyed and disgusted crowds of "normal" people. As they watched the performance before them, they were not unlike the hordes of freak-watching, slack jawed fiends, enjoying, yet astonished by the carnival side-show attractions of years ago. Not unlike these side-show attractions, "The Island of Dr. Horseleach" is also strewn with freaks, and abominations. Yet on "The Island", they can feel at home. And it is with these abominations, that "The Island" has come fourth, into the world. As the mind is twisted with wretched thoughts, the skin twists into disfigurments as well. As the bewilderment strikes fear into the hearts of mortal men, the tounge strikes lashes onto the eardrums of the unfortunate...or perhaps the fortunate. If...rather...when you find something strange, please LEAVE IT AS IT IS for YOUR own safety. This island has...a life of it's own. Please enjoy your stay, and please take a listen to The Island of Dr. Horseleach. Thanks!-Dr. Horseleach Also check us out on myspace at: http://www.myspace.com/horseleach[/color][/b]


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The Island N/A
Science Evilution N/A


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