Ruben Garcia | SYM
Fontana, CA


Fontana, CA

My name is Ruben... I've lived in Southern California all my life. I'm not a rockin' guitarist or a jammin' piano player or a slammin' dj and I've never even seen the inside of a recording studio. Basically I'm just a simple man who works in a hopspital caring for patients in the Critical Care Unit. I remember as a kid... always singing along with the radio. I wouldn't always sing the lead because that part was already taken and I thought to myself as I sang along... I think the song sounds better when I do this... I was harmonizing when I didn't even know what it was. After high school I began playing with, editing, and recreating lots of music of all kinds... Instrumentals... so I could sing my favorite songs without that darn lead vocal getting in the way. I could also change the feel of the song to be more of what I liked. It wasn't until recently that I finally began to record my own vocals on different tracks and as you can probably tell... I still like my harmonies. I know I don't have the greatest voice in the world... but I love what I do and how some of my projects turned out. I feel I can be creative and that I have a good ear for music and sound mixing. I do appreciate you taking the time to visit my little corner... I hope you enjoy.


Recent Tracks

Song Length
You Shook Me All Night Long N/A
Earthbound N/A
Makes Me Wonder (Explicit) N/A
Hard To Say I'm Sorry N/A
If This Is It N/A


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