Campbell Ellis | SYM



I'm Campbell Ellis and I'm 16 years old. I got into music at the age of 11 when i was chosen to play an instrument at my school. After a year of playing the trumpet i recieved a music scholarship to what is now my high school. At the age of 13 as my interest in instruments grew i started to notice my dads old guitar behind the tv. Before long i found my self with my own guitar writing my own songs. Since then i have been in and out of bands that didn't go that far and have realised that i am better suited to writing songs of a solo nature. However i still enjoy being in bands and have just got back together with my first band. I currently live in Mandurah and have done all my life. I released my first album in July last year and am in the midst of writing/recording my new album which should be ready around May. I will set an actual date for its release in a few weeks time. I can tell you that it will be titled 'Who I am' and will comprise of songs that to me make up who I am hence the name. However it has a bit of a double meaning also saying that my music is all i am and without it I'm not much at all. Comparing it to my last album and the songs on this myspace the new album is just a whole lot better seeing a greater inclusion of drums and accompniament instead of just voice and guitar. I have a myspace website


Recent Tracks

Song Length
Everybody Sings [2:33] 2:33
Maple Leaf Rag [1:39] 1:39
Here Comes The Sound [2:42] 2:42
Fury N/A
I Don't Care N/A


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